Understanding the Party System in India: Meaning, Types and Features of Political Parties 

Understanding the Party System in India: Meaning, Types and Features of Political Parties 

What is the significance of political parties in Indian democracy? 

 Political parties play a crucial role in articulating citizens’ interests, shaping public policies, and ensuring political representation within the democratic framework. 

What are the key challenges faced by political parties in India? 

Political parties grapple with issues such as corruption, dynastic politics, and lack of internal democracy, which undermine their credibility and effectiveness. 

 How can political parties promote transparency in funding? 

 Political parties can promote transparency by adhering to strict disclosure norms, implementing stringent regulatory mechanisms, and reducing dependence on opaque funding sources. 

 What role do political parties play in fostering federalism in India? 

Political parties facilitate cooperative federalism by engaging in dialogue with regional stakeholders, accommodating diverse regional aspirations, and forging consensus on shared governance priorities. 

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