The Making of Indian Constitution: Constituent Assembly

The Making of Indian Constitution: Constituent Assembly

Whole India was divided into three categories:

  1. British India or provincial states
  2. Princely state
  3. Chief Commission Area
  1. In first stage various types of committees were formed. The total number of committees were 22. Among the 22 committees 10 for procedural matters and 12 for substantive matters. (Among all the committee’s drafting committee was playing an important role. It formulates the draft constitution).
  2. In 2nd stage all the committees prepared and presented the reports on the basic issues assigned to them.
  3. The constitutional advisor framed the initial draft on the basis of the reports submits by the committees.
  4. In the 4th stage, the drafting committee refined the draft constitution.
  5. In the 5th stage the draft constitution was discussed and proposed the amendments.
  6. Lastly, the constitution is adopted and enacted.

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